This is the official Repository of the OHBM’s Educational Course entitled Whole-brain, Connectome-based Models of Brain Dynamics: From Principles to Applications organized by Dr. Davide Momi, Dr. John Griffiths & Joana Cabral
Our aim is to provide an advanced yet accessible showcase of, and introduction to, the latest cutting-edge work in whole-brain (also known as ‘large-scale’ or ‘connectome-based’) network modelling in contemporary human brain mapping research. This field represents an integrative convergence of data, concepts, and techniques from structural+functional neuroimaging, systems+cognitive neuroscience, dynamical systems+network science, neurology+psychiatry, computational neuroscience, and machine learning.
The course is divided in 3 sections. Each section will have 2-3 tutorial lectures, and importantly also conclude with a ~1hr hands-on session, where participants spend time working through pre-prepared tutorial code, pertaining to one or more of the preceding lectures. Please find below the full program.
08:50-09:00 - Intro to the workshop Davide Momi/John Griffiths
09:00-09:45 - Intro to dynamics Viktor Jirsa
09:45-10:30 - Intro to connectivity Joana Cabral
10:30-11:15 - Intro to connectome-based neural mass modeling Sorenza Bastiaens
11:15-12:15 - Hands-on Session 1 Davide Momi/John Griffiths
13:00-13:45 - Metastable brain waves Michael Breakspear
13:45-14:30 - Neuromodulatory systems James M Shine
14:30-15:15 - Training connectomes to perform memory tasks Laura Suarez
15:15-16:00 - Hands-on Session 2 Davide Momi/John Griffiths
16:15-17:00 - Epilepsy Borana Dollomaja
17:00-17:45 - Alzheimer’s Disease Leon Stefanovski
17:45-18:30 - Hands-on Session 3 Davide Momi/John Griffiths