OHBM 2024 Educational Course on Whole-brain Models / OHBM 2024

Course Highlights and Expectations:

  • Expert-Led Sessions: Learn from top scientists in the field of whole-brain modeling, who will share their latest research findings and methodologies. Engage in thought-provoking discussions and expand your knowledge base.

  • Hands-On Workshops: Participate in practical sessions designed to give you real-world experience with advanced brain modeling techniques. Use state-of-the-art tools and software to analyze and interpret brain data.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with leading experts and peers in the field. Our course provides ample opportunities for networking, allowing you to build valuable professional relationships.

Course Description

Our aim is to provide an advanced yet accessible showcase of, and introduction to, the latest cutting-edge work in whole-brain (also known as ‘large-scale’ or ‘connectome-based’) network modelling in contemporary human brain mapping research. This field represents an integrative convergence of data, concepts, and techniques from structural+functional neuroimaging, systems+cognitive neuroscience, dynamical systems+network science, neurology+psychiatry, computational neuroscience, and machine learning.

This Educational Course is part of The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) 30th Annual Meeting


  • Dr. Davide Momi
    Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
    Precision Neurotherapeutics Lab
    Stanford University
    Address: 450 Jane Stanford Way., Stanford, CA 90305
    Website: https://davi1990.github.io/
    Twitter: @DaveMomi