Modelling TMS-EEG evoked responses#

This example runs a minimal example based on the analysis in the paaper :footcite:`MomiEtAl2023`:

Momi, D., Wang, Z., Griffiths, J.D. (2023).

“TMS-evoked responses are driven by recurrent large-scale network dynamics.”

# eLife, [doi: 10.7554/eLife.83232](

The code includes data fetching, model fitting, and result visualization based on the methods presented in the paper.



# Importage:

# os stuff
import os
import sys

# whobpyt stuff
import whobpyt
from whobpyt.datatypes import Parameter as par, Timeseries
from whobpyt.models.jansen_rit import JansenRitModel,JansenRitParams
from import ModelFitting
from whobpyt.optimization.custom_cost_JR import CostsJR

# python stuff
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import gdown
import pickle
import warnings

#neuroimaging packages
import mne

# viz stuff
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Download and load necessary data for the example

download_data = True
url = ''

if download_data: gdown.download_folder(url, quiet=True)
data_dir = os.path.abspath('eg__tmseeg_data')

Load EEG data from a file

file_name = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Subject_1_low_voltage.fif')
epoched = mne.read_epochs(file_name, verbose=False);
evoked = epoched.average()

Load Atlas

url = ''
atlas = pd.read_csv(url)
labels = atlas['ROI Name']
coords = np.array([atlas['R'], atlas['A'], atlas['S']]).T
conduction_velocity = 5 #in ms

Compute the distance matrix

dist = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], coords.shape[0]))

for roi1 in range(coords.shape[0]):
  for roi2 in range(coords.shape[0]):
    dist[roi1, roi2] = np.sqrt(np.sum((coords[roi1,:] - coords[roi2,:])**2, axis=0))
    dist[roi1, roi2] = np.sqrt(np.sum((coords[roi1,:] - coords[roi2,:])**2, axis=0))

Load the stim weights matrix which encode where to inject the external input

stim_weights = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, 'stim_weights.npy'))
stim_weights_thr = stim_weights.copy()
19                 7Networks_LH_SomMot_6
22                 7Networks_LH_SomMot_9
23                7Networks_LH_SomMot_10
33          7Networks_LH_DorsAttn_Post_4
44    7Networks_LH_SalVentAttn_ParOper_2
Name: ROI Name, dtype: object

Load the structural connectivity matrix

sc_file =  os.path.join(data_dir, 'Schaefer2018_200Parcels_7Networks_count.csv')
sc_df = pd.read_csv(sc_file, header=None, sep=' ')
sc = sc_df.values
sc = np.log1p(sc) / np.linalg.norm(np.log1p(sc))

Load the leadfield matrix

lm = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Subject_1_low_voltage_lf.npy')
ki0 =stim_weights_thr[:,np.newaxis]
delays = dist/conduction_velocity

define options for JR model

eeg_data =
time_start = np.where(evoked.times==-0.1)[0][0]
time_end = np.where(evoked.times==0.3)[0][0]
eeg_data = eeg_data[:,time_start:time_end]/np.abs(eeg_data).max()*4
node_size = sc.shape[0]
output_size = eeg_data.shape[0]
batch_size = 20
step_size = 0.0001
num_epochs = 2 # num_epochs = 20
tr = 0.001
state_size = 6
base_batch_num = 20
time_dim = 400
state_size = 6
base_batch_num = 20
hidden_size = int(tr/step_size)

prepare data structure of the model

data_mean = Timeseries(eeg_data, num_epochs, batch_size)

get model parameters structure and define the fitted parameters by setting non-zero variance for the model

lm = np.zeros((output_size,200))
lm_v = np.zeros((output_size,200))
params = JansenRitParams(A = par(3.25),
                         a= par(100,100, 2, True),
                         B = par(22),
                         b = par(50, 50, 1, True),
                         g=par(500,500,2, True),
                         g_f=par(10,10,1, True),
                         g_b=par(10,10,1, True),
                         c1 = par(135, 135, 1, True),
                         c2 = par(135*0.8, 135*0.8, 1, True),
                         c3 = par(135*0.25, 135*0.25, 1, True),
                         c4 = par(135*0.25, 135*0.25, 1, True),
                         std_in= par(np.log(10), np.log(10), .1, True, True),
                         vmax= par(5),
                         y0=par(-2, -2, 1/4, True),
                         mu = par(np.log(1.5),
                                  np.log(1.5), .1, True, True, lb=0.1),
                         k =par(5., 5., 0.2, True, lb=1),
                         cy0 = par(50, 50, 1, True),
                         lm=par(lm, lm, 1 * np.ones((output_size, node_size))+lm_v, True)

call model want to fit

model = JansenRitModel(params,
                       use_fit_lfm = False)

# create objective function
ObjFun = CostsJR(model)

call model fit

F = ModelFitting(model, ObjFun)

model training

u = np.zeros((node_size,hidden_size,time_dim))
u[:,:,80:120]= 1000
F.train(u=u, empRecs = [data_mean], num_epochs = num_epochs, TPperWindow = batch_size)
Epoch:  0
epoch:  0 loss: 3.0124562 Pseudo FC_cor:  0.022181722001504946 cos_sim:  0.020442499721242628
Epoch:  1
epoch:  1 loss: 4.0247865 Pseudo FC_cor:  0.005605920583205278 cos_sim:  -0.016658407963269017

quick test run with 2 epochs

F.evaluate(u = u, empRec = data_mean, TPperWindow = batch_size, base_window_num = 20)
FC_cor:  0.005819085656167229 cos_sim:  0.08745451451681271

load in a previously completed model fitting results object

full_run_fname = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Subject_1_low_voltage_fittingresults_stim_exp.pkl')
F = pickle.load(open(full_run_fname, 'rb'))
F.evaluate(u = u, empRec = data_mean, TPperWindow = batch_size, base_window_num = 20)
FC_cor:  0.49779676450863236 cos_sim:  0.37440513205255127

Plot the original and simulated EEG data

epoched = mne.read_epochs(file_name, verbose=False);
evoked = epoched.average()
ts_args = dict(xlim=[-0.1,0.3])
ch, peak_locs1 = evoked.get_peak(ch_type='eeg', tmin=-0.05, tmax=0.01)
ch, peak_locs2 = evoked.get_peak(ch_type='eeg', tmin=0.01, tmax=0.02)
ch, peak_locs3 = evoked.get_peak(ch_type='eeg', tmin=0.03, tmax=0.05)
ch, peak_locs4 = evoked.get_peak(ch_type='eeg', tmin=0.07, tmax=0.15)
ch, peak_locs5 = evoked.get_peak(ch_type='eeg', tmin=0.15, tmax=0.20)
times = [peak_locs1, peak_locs2, peak_locs3, peak_locs4, peak_locs5]
plot = evoked.plot_joint(ts_args=ts_args, times=times);

simulated_EEG_st = evoked.copy()[:,time_start:time_end] = F.lastRec['eeg'].npTS()
times = [peak_locs1, peak_locs2, peak_locs3, peak_locs4, peak_locs5]
simulated_joint_st = simulated_EEG_st.plot_joint(ts_args=ts_args, times=times)
  • EEG (60 channels), 0.005 s, 0.020 s, 0.040 s, 0.078 s, 0.150 s
  • EEG (60 channels), 0.005 s, 0.020 s, 0.040 s, 0.078 s, 0.150 s
Projections have already been applied. Setting proj attribute to True.
Projections have already been applied. Setting proj attribute to True.

Results Description#

The plot above shows the original EEG data and the simulated EEG data using the fitted Jansen-Rit model. The simulated data closely resembles the original EEG data, indicating that the model fitting was successful. Peak locations extracted from different time intervals are marked on the plots, demonstrating the model’s ability to capture key features of the EEG signal.


Momi, D., Wang, Z., Griffiths, J.D. (2023). “TMS-evoked responses are driven by recurrent large-scale network dynamics.” eLife, 10.7554/eLife.83232.

Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 19.468 seconds)

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